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i finished the star wars universe: part IV

read part I, part II and part III of this article series, if you want.

In this article I keep chain smoking the SWU properties as you are figuring out how this is relevant to you.

live action tv shows

The Mandalorian (2019 – ): “The one”. Put Disney+ on the map. One of the two most appreciated Disney SWU properties, the other one being Rogue One. The reason why I got into SWU: To understand the timeline and where its story stands in the bigger picture.

Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022): Wasn’t fond of SWU when I watched it. Might need a re-watch, but it was mediocre. Nice first episodes though: Always good to see how the fellow Jedi hanging post-Order 66. Action had logic failures though, and that ruins some for you. See article part II.

The Book of Boba Fett (2021-2022): I don’t know why such an irrelevant character who dies in a situation comedy scene in the original trilogy should matter and get his own show, in which he apparently didn’t die. I guess this happens when IPs live long enough for fans to dig hell-deep and hold on to every little piece of material they were ever served with. Result is that Boba is made more significant with the inclusion of Jango in the prequels, or some joke like Captain Phasma is getting expanded with novel and video game appearances.
This show is better than many screen material though.

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i finished the star wars universe: part I

Trilogies, stand-alone movies, novels, comics, seasons of series… an investment of years, a test of patience, a roller coaster of frustrations. That’s what it took to get me there: To make every major character, event, timeline in the Star Wars franchise relevant to the memory of a layman who didn’t know anything about it before 2017. Before that, I’d heard the name Obi Wan (my mother used to call me that), and I knew there was a guy in black suit, who was father to some main boy. I’m still quite the anti-fan about this whole thing, but there were some highlights that kept the journey bearable and going for me, and there are definitely some complains to rant about. Join me in a series of painfully long articles, because you have nothing better to do with your life.

disclaimer before the geeks get agitated: there is probably no one on earth who actually “finished” SWU with all its canon+legends material. the amount of material I claim as the finishing point is the one I feel saturated with.

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